Impact - Tailoring Program
Commercial Tailoring Program
at Vasavya Mahila Mandali, Vijayawada supported by Shriram Foundation
Beneficiary: M Tulasi, Age: 35, Education: Class X

Tulasi, a housewife and mother of a young daughter, attended the 3 month commercial tailoring program at Vasavya Mahila Mandali, Vijayawadafrom June to September 2017. She learned to make garments for herself and her daughter with good finish. She attended the fashion design module at Samana Institute of Design Studies. She now has her own sewing machine and tailors clothes for herself and her daughter using her creativity and skills learnt in the program while saving money for her family.
Beneficiary: K Aswini, Age: 25, Education: Class X

Aswini is a housewife with a small baby. She attended the commercial tailoring program at Vijayawada and now undertakes tailoring jobs for her friends and neighbours. She stitches saree blouses and frocks for her customers earning Rs.5000/- per month. Her ambition is to set up a tailoring shop for which she is looking for funding.
S Venkata Vinitha, Age: 21, Education: Intermediate

Vinitha has lost both parents. She stays in a women’s home. She wants to set up her own tailoring shop.
Ch Parimala, Age:20, Education: Intermediate

Rescued from a child marriage, Parimala resides at a women’s home. She has learnt to stitch blouses, frocks, pants and salwar kameez. She dreams of setting up her own tailoring shop one day.