Young Talent Expo
at SMS, Thiruneermalai
On 13th October 2017, Shriram Matriculation School Thiruneermalai, Chennai, hosted an education fair, organised by classes 3 to 9, with exhibitions covering a variety of subjects including science, mathematics, geography, civics, language, and environment.
The chief guest of the event was the Principal of PS Matriculation School Mrs. S.Bhooma, and a brief, but enthusiastic, inauguration ceremony opened the proceedings.
The students exhibited projects in the form of models, science experiments, charts, oral presentations, games and even skits and songs. Each piece was presented in an intelligent and imaginative manner, designed to attract the audience’s attention, and keep their interest. Each student was thorough and well versed in the areas that they were respectively covering, and never wavered in energy or enthusiasm as they presented their exhibits.
Some students exhibited medicinal plants, many of which were grown in their own school, and explained their uses, while another group demonstrated the creation of ‘elephant toothpaste’, a kind of froth created by chemical reaction, and a student led his audience through the life cycle of Plasmodium and the Dengue virus. Visitors learnt all about volcanoes, government and our transportation system.
The students tested our grammar with quizzes, crosswords and puzzles, while teasing our minds with math riddles. A skit set in a forest scenewas put on to demonstrate the dangers faced by wildlife and animals, while a beautiful drama was enacted to educate us about the cleansing of rivers. They also arranged all manner of fun games like putting coins in a cup using toothpicks, and throwing handkerchiefs inside a circle.
The event was a tremendous success, enjoyed by all, and a testamentto the hard work and creativity of the students who participated in the event, and the teachers who supported and guided them.